How do insurance companies determine the value of my injuries in a motorcycle accident?

Determine the Value of my Injuries

A lot of factors go into how insurance companies determine the value of a motorcycle accident. This is true for any personal injury or accident case.

Much of it depends on how clear it is that their insured caused the accident. Also it depends on what your injuries are. How much are your medical expenses that you’re entitled to recover? Do you have lost wages as a result of the accident? How clear is it that your lost wages were caused by the accident? If you have a permanent injury as a result of the accident, you are also entitled to recover intangible damages for pain and suffering. The insurance company for the at-fault driver is responsible for that, too.

Many factors go into how insurance companies evaluate claims — any claims. How clear was the accident? Was their insured at fault? What are your damages? Things that you can add up, like lost wages and medical expenses. And then if you do have a permanent injury, what are the effects on your life going forward?