What compensation can I receive in the event of a Florida bicycle accident?

What compensation can I receive?

After a bicycle accident, if the accident isn’t your fault, you would be entitled to recover:

1) medical expenses that aren’t paid by other sources. If you have health insurance, sometimes it will pay your medical expenses.

2) any of your out-of-pocket medical expenses. You’d be entitled to recover from the person who caused your accident.

3) if you’ve lost time from work so that you have lost wages. As a result of a bicycle accident that isn’t your fault, you’d be entitled to recover your lost income. Both income that you’ve lost in the past and future income — time missed in the future due to injury.

4) if you have a persistent, lingering or permanent injury as a result of the accident. You’d be entitled to recover compensation for pain and suffering for disability, for limitations on what you can do physically — all as a result of the accident.